The Big Wyyz My name is WebWyyzrd and my passion is podcasting.

Episode 082

Frozen Waters, accompanies with Jimmy Buffet songs.


Aaaarrrggghg. What's up! Let me get a quick drink of water so I'm coherent and then we'll start the show. Alright, and welcome to Big Wyyz Radio: Winter Wonderland Edition. It is FREEZING fucking cold outside, but I'm still doing this shit. How many times have I used that line before? God dang it. Startin' to think I shoulda worn two pairs of socks, but you know what, that's okay, that's okay. I'm living the life.

Yeah, so there's not really-- Wait, wait, wait. I don't remember what I was going to say now. L0jik and Anji, they might be coming on for Christmastime. The first ever couples guest star, and the first ever Christmas guest star on the Big Wyyz Radio. Set it down for episode 82 or 83. No, this is 82, but yeah. Hopefully Anji and L0jik will stay on their proposal. But yeah, I hope to have them on because I'm saving all my Christmas stuff for them. Talk about the Christmas time of year.

Anyway, the news. Apparently Fuentes is just realizing now that maybe kicking an old woman down the stairs may have consequences, 'cause some weirdo in an alien suit has come up to shoot him at his house. He failed, and he shot a bunch of other random people, and then he got arrested. And maybe killed too, but I don't really know. Who knows right now?

I went too far all out on the other ones. This is probably going to be a short one. So now Nicholas is finally considering moving after all these years of living in a blue state. And now he's considering moving.

Everything is very boring. Elon is now flexing his power as a guy, 'cause his whole life he's been a pathetic faggot, and everyone still thinks he is a pathetic faggot. And yeah, now he's doing something else. Trump says the European Union must buy US oil, I guess. Well, I guess save it for us. We don't want those do-ragheads, those raghead goat fuckers to get all the oil. 'Cause if we're giving them money, that should just gives them more money to do more 9-11. So we don't want to do that. Well you know, I'm sure they're in bed with Donnie and his kikey friends. A lot of kikey deals going on there. I don't know if we'll actually see none of those goat fucking ragheads.

Andrew Cuomo is planning to sue a woman. And then apparently there's going to be another another government shut-down, God dang it. On, alright, there was a school shooting in Madison, and one of the lady was like a, W, uh, like a feminine extremist. Who like, you know, was crazy. Said all men were evil. And she shot up some Catholic school full of kids. So, way to prove how tough you are, bitch. Takes a tough woman to kill a bunch of fucking kids. Jews are polluting the world again because they don't feel safe in Israel, the only place they belong. So there we go. Goodbye. They're dysphoriating [sic] all over the world. God dang it. Deportations are now getting higher because of Trump in office. [Editor's note: Trump is currently the President-elect, and has not yet taken office.] Netanyahu's eyeing Iran. Look at that stupid little Jew. Beady eyes, greedy, lusting for the blood of children. He's triumphed over Hamas, Hezbollah, and Syria, and now he's eyeing Iran. Look at him, scheming and resenting. Evil, rapist, kikery. Trying to get international students back in America before Trump. A lot of soldiers are actually dying. A lot of North Korean soldiers are dying because of the Ukes. They're wasting their Goddamn time over there. This can actually bring something to the show: Apparently Xi is trying to get his foothold in Macau. Macau is like some kind of Portuguese chink city. It's basically Hong Kong, but it was filled with Portuguese chinks instead of British chinks. Apparently there's a lot of casinos down there in Macau, in slope-head Vegas. Slope Vegas. That's what it is. Basically, Macau is Slope Vegas. And I will be referring to it as such for the rest of time. They even got all some kind of Latin kind of names. "Toca dos pescadores." They got one of them weirdos with a weird squiggly thing like the N's that go nyeh. Like piñata. Or too many ñiggers. I don't know. Still a lot of little Portuguese names. They even got some kind of Catholic parish or whatever. Saint Anthony's. Santo Antonio. Saying things in a weird way. Let's see what Slope Vegas got with the gambling. Apparently Slope Vegas is making a whole lot more money than Hong Kong, it says here. Its GDP per person has more than quadrupled to $68,000, surpassing Hong Kong of $50,000. Apparently old Xi does a one country, two systems thing, kind of like Hong Kong, so Slope Vegas can be its own little thing. I guess China's gonna get a foothold in that little goddamn Portugal Vegas city, so they can become gambling men. Men of gambly heights. They want the Vegas money. Money ain't worth shitting down in Slopeland, at least that part of it. So whatever. I don't really got much else to talk about. All the other stuff is boring stuff that I've already covered. We'll just wait for L0jik and Anji to come on. Go follow me on Twitter, @xxx_wyyzrd_xxx, and then the money still isn't set up yet. I'm gonna wait to see what I get on Christmas and then build a bank out of that. See you later. I'll be back in a little while with the Christmas show. See ya.

plays Jimmy Buffet - A Sailor's Christmas on his phone


Songs: Jimmy Buffet - A Sailor's Christmas

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